“At freezing point the night hands over to the day

And the sun peers through a haze

Hunting the stars scattered in the frosted grass.

Focus the scope of your eyes on the patch of adonis blue,

Watch it widen as each wing flap pushes back the curtains further

Until the lens on the day, new polished, shows every detail,

And each frame of the stop motion world is ready to be explored.”

From Freezing point © by Jeremy Harwood


Freezing point: colour unleashed is an exciting #CreativeConnections collaboration between a local poet and three artists who met through their participation in Worcestershire Open Studios. 

Before the coronavirus outbreak the three artists were preparing for a joint exhibition at Elmslie House in, Malvern.  While the show has been postponed, Susan, Caroline and Cherrie are pursuing their plans to create brand new pieces of artwork inspired by the evocative poem Freezing point by Worcestershire poet Jeremy Harwood. 

Although we chose the poem some months ago, we feel it has a particular poignancy for this challenging time in our nation and indeed the world.  It speaks of a ‘stop motion world’ and ‘time expanding to match the widening panorama’.  Towards the end there is encouragement that ‘the cold brings warmth to the adventure seeker’ and to ‘wander free if you want your world refreshed.  

Cherrie Mansfield

The project brings together the seen and the felt, forging connections between painter and poet, visual, spoken and written art forms. 

While artists Susan Birth, Caroline Hall and Cherrie Mansfield each have very different approaches and styles of painting, their artwork is united by their love of colour and their use of acrylic paint. Their final pieces are shown below.

three paintings

To inspire other people to explore their own creativity during these extraordinary times the artists have also developed some downloadable creative worksheets.  

Posters of the completed artwork shown can be seen outside Waitrose in Worcester, on Pitchcroft and also on riverside walk towards Diglis on tall tree guards.

For more information about the artists visit their websites:


