Since 2016, Nicola Prestage (of Tigerfeatures) has created several films that capture the impact of our programme of arts interventions with people on a court order, and with our work in Short Stay schools, all funded by West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner.

You can see the films here:

A Montage of 2016-2020

Coming soon!

2019/2020: Advanced arts sessions

2018/2019: Short-cuts – a series of short films about the project

2017/2018: Probation and Short Stay Schools
2016/2017: The first year

One of our creative writers, Holly Daffurn, created an e-flick book of participants’ poems in 2020. A short film about the book was made by Holly for the participants themselves as we entered Lockdown in March 2020.

For more information about the project, please contact us