Four new music-making groups are being set up by Severn Arts in Bromsgrove, Malvern, Kidderminster and Worcester for youngsters looking to have some fun playing an instrument in a group. 

The Lift Off! music groups will be informal, fun and FREE. They are open to all young people interested in playing a musical instrument, from beginner up to grade 1 standard. No musical experience is needed, everyone just needs to come with the instrument they would like to play. 

Debbie Fawcett, Severn Arts Director of Learning said: “We’re setting up these groups because we want to give as many children as possible in Worcestershire the opportunity to take part in group music-making activities whatever their ability. We really hope that young people from across the county will come along and give the groups a try, especially as they are free and there’s absolutely no obligation to come every week. Coming together to make music in a group is a wonderful experience and such a great way for children to learn new skills and make new friends.”  

The music groups will start from Monday 9 May.  

Bromsgrove Lift Off! 
Wednesdays - 11, 18, 25 May and 8, 15, 22 June, 5 – 5.45pm 
The Orchards School, Perryfields Road, Bromsgrove, B61 8QN  
Kidderminster Lift Off! 
Thursdays - 12, 19, 26 May and 9, 16, 23 June, 5.30 – 6.15pm 
St Catherine’s CE Primary, Marlpool Lane, Kidderminster, DY11 5HP  
Malvern Lift Off! 
Mondays - 9, 16, 23 May and 6, 13, 20 June, 4.15 - 5pm 
Grove Primary School and Nursery, Pickersleigh Grove, Malvern, WR14 2LU  
Worcester Lift Off! 
Wednesdays - 11, 18, 25 May and 8, 15, 22 June, 5 – 5.45pm 
Woodgreen Evangelical Church, Hastings Drive, Worcester WR4 OSR 

Anyone wanting to sign up for a free place can do so via the Severn Arts website or simply turn up on the day. Children (and parents/carers) can take part in as many sessions as they like and can either sign up beforehand or sign up on the day. Each session will be for 45 minutes.