Perfect Circle Youth Theatre was established in 2006, in response to a number of young people who wanted to create a company to work on contemporary plays, devised performances, and youth led drama projects.    

“Thanks for the best years of my life. Here’s to many more. I can’t wait to see what we get up to next.” 

Youth theatre is an invaluable resource for both creative and personal development. Increased confidence, self-awareness, sociability, a safe space to talk about how you feel in the context of character and narrative. Artistic skills developed at youth theatre include performance skills, stagecraft, theatre history, how plays work, narrative techniques, how to make theatre from scratch, technical skills, project management, marketing, teamwork and more.  

Meet Joe!
Joe started youth theatre when he was still in primary school; he enjoyed being part of the group but wasn’t always keen on performing. Now he is the technical operator, running lighting and sound for all performances.

Joe works with the group throughout term, making sure that he knows how the performance will work, making notes on the technical detail, and joining in with the games and activities. When it comes to performance, Joe operates all the tech – he has worked at Malvern Cube, Worcester Theatres, and has been part of an online technical stage course run by National Theatre Connections. 

‘I didn’t have a college place and felt that I had nowhere to go. I felt a bit lost... I like being a part of the Perfect Circle group. It has given me confidence’.  - Joe

Listen to Joe's Podcast below. leejoepodcast.mp3

In the future, Perfect Circle hopes to continue to offer opportunities for creativity to as many young people as they can.