Our vision

Singing is a unique form of self-expression accessible to all. It promotes self-esteem and emotional well-being and is a fundamental means of communication. Singing together builds a sense of community, and it is evident in most cultures, celebrations and key moments of life. It is an important part of early learning and development and is the natural starting point for music-making. 

Our vision is to enable children from all backgrounds and every part of England to have the opportunity to make music with others; to learn to sing; and to have the opportunity to progress to the next level of excellence.

The Importance of Music – a National Music Plan for Education (2011), Department for Education

Our aims
  • Raise the standard and profile of singing within all schools and the local community, supporting the promotion and development of high-quality singing across Worcestershire
  • Raise awareness of the importance and benefits of singing
  • Provide school-based staff with the skills to teach and develop high quality singing in their schools and to support schools in writing their own singing strategies
  • Provide opportunities to share effective practice
  • Provide access and inclusion for all children, including disengaged or vulnerable young people, Looked After children and those with Special Education Needs or Disabilities
  • Provide a comprehensive vocal CPD training programme
  • Provide in-school support where necessary to improve or enhance existing provision
  • Provide identifiable and clear progression routes for singing through in-school provision and ensembles
  • Identify three areas of special focus within the Vocal Strategy and to closely monitor progress in these areas

Read our strategy