By ordering music services from us, your school is required to accept the terms and conditions associated with this provision as set out below. These terms and conditions relate to services provided in the 2023-24 academic year. 

First Access Music Education (FAME)  
  • This year-long programme is for 33 weeks. 
  • A class teacher or another suitable member of staff is required to be with the Severn Arts teacher for all FAME sessions and to take an active role.
  • Instrument hire and delivery is normally free of charge. However, an administration fee of £50.00 per class will be charged each time a whole class instrument change is requested by the school within the year.
  • Severn Arts will contact the school to confirm instrument delivery and collection dates prior to the start and end of the programme.
Instrumental and vocal provision – whole class (not FAME), groups and individuals 
  • Instrumental and vocal provision will be timetabled for 35 weeks of the academic year.
  • Schools are asked to liaise directly with Severn Arts teaching staff to agree the times at which tuition takes place.
  • Requests for increases or decreases in teaching time can only be accepted and confirmed once the school has completed the Severn Arts ‘change to tuition’ form. 
General terms and conditions 

Term of contract: It is anticipated that the provision of tuition will be for the academic year. However, schools may request increases or decreases to tuition hours during the year using the Severn Arts ‘change to tuition’ form. In the case of an increase, this will be arranged from the date requested or as soon as possible after this. In the case of decreases of up to 50% of current tuition, at least 6 weeks notice is required. In the case of decreases of more than 50%, 12 weeks' notice is required. Should less than the required notice period be given for decreases, then charges will still apply for the full notice period.

Reports: For students undertaking small group or individual tuition, Severn Arts will provide an individual written report once a year detailing each student’s progress. All students undertaking individual or small group tuition will be provided with a practice diary to assist with monitoring progress and to record the weekly work being learned in lessons.

Teacher absence: In the event of a Severn Arts teacher being absent, Severn Arts will, where possible, arrange cover. If it is not possible to arrange cover (either due to short notice or the specialist nature of teaching), then a make-up session will be scheduled for later in the term. If this is not possible, then the school will not be charged for the missed lesson(s).

Cancelled lessons: Where there is good reason (e.g. TED day or school trip), schools may cancel individual lessons by giving at least 10 clear working days' notice. Cancellation requests must be made in writing and sent to [email protected]. A make-up session will be scheduled for later in the term, but if this is not possible, then the school will not be charged for the cancelled lesson(s).

Student absence, school or classroom closure: In the event that the lesson cannot take place because insufficient notice of cancellation has been given or a student doesn't attend their lesson, then a make-up will not be scheduled, the school will still be liable for the cost of the lesson(s) and will be charged accordingly.

Make up sessions: Where there are missed lessons, schools are expected (as far as possible and by negotiation) to accept teachers on alternative dates to make up lessons to 35 per year (33 per year in the case of FAME sessions).

Bad weather, strikes or other unplanned closure: Where lost teaching time is created by a school or classroom unplanned closure (e.g. due to snow, COVID or strike action) and the Severn Arts teacher was available for work, then a make-up will not be scheduled, the school will still be liable for the cost of the lesson(s) and will be charged accordingly.

Payment terms: Charges for tuition will be invoiced to schools termly in arrears. Charges for instrument hire will be invoiced to schools at the start of each term. Payment terms are generally 14 days from the date of the invoice unless payment is required in advance. Charges for specific projects may be made in advance and payment required before the project starts. Severn Arts reserves the right to charge interest on late payments, calculated as 5% above the Bank of England base rate from the date the payment became overdue to the date payment is received.

Reporting: By accepting tuition, the school agrees that Severn Arts is a ‘joint data controller’ for the purposes of the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and agrees to share data necessary for Severn Arts to report to the Department for Education (DfE), via Arts Council England (ACE) and to meet its reporting obligations to the relevant local authority under the Child Licensing regulations.

Parties: Severn Arts’ contract for the provision of music services is with the school and with no other person.

Complaints and disagreements: Any matters concerning the duties or conduct of Severn Arts staff working within the school should normally be raised with the member of staff concerned at the earliest opportunity. Should this not be appropriate or the matter not be resolved, please email [email protected] and request a member of Severn Arts Music Leadership team or the Director of Music Education contacts you. 

Provision of instruments to schools 

Storage: Instruments should be stored by the school in a secure location when on school premises and schools should take reasonable steps to prevent damage. We encourage schools to allow students to take instruments home for practice, but school will remain responsible for the instruments. Schools are responsible for ensuring that students bring their instrument to the lesson.

Assignment: Where a school assigns an instrument to a student, the school is responsible for keeping a record of this and must provide details to Severn Arts on request. The school remains responsible for the instrument including all associated components and must ensure the safe return of the instrument should the student leave the school or cease partaking in Severn Arts lessons.

Insurance: Instruments hired to schools are insured for theft and accidental damage. Thefts must be reported to the police within 2 days of the incident and to Severn Arts within 5 days, including details of the police crime number. Any accidental damage must be reported to Severn Arts within 5 days of the incident. Instruments are not insured if taken overseas without the specific written agreement of Severn Arts. In cases of apparent malicious damage or loss of the instrument through negligence, the school will be liable for the replacement cost.

Consumables: Instruments are provided ‘ready to play’ when initially supplied. With the exception of FAME/Whole Class, replacement woodwind reeds, strings, valve oil and other consumables are not provided. Schools may purchase these items through Severn Arts on request.

Repairs: Instruments requiring repair following accidental damage or fair wear and tear will usually be exchanged on request. Severn Arts will not reimburse costs for repairs carried out elsewhere.

External use: Instruments provided by Severn Arts must not be used by external teachers, agencies or partners without the written consent of Severn Arts.

Ownership and instrument return: All instruments on hire remain the property of Severn Arts and must be returned at the end of any associated programme or teaching or on demand. The school will be liable for the replacement cost of any missing or damaged items (fair wear and tear excepted).

Hire charges: Schools will be charged termly for instruments they have on hire. Charges will apply for each term (or part thereof) from the point of hire until the instrument is returned. Instruments for FAME are provided free of charge. 

Delivery and collection arrangements: Severn Arts will arrange the date and time of instrument delivery with the school. When instruments need to be collected or swapped, schools are asked to ensure the instrument sets are complete and accessible to the Severn Arts driver on the notified collection date. Where instruments are being replaced, the old instrument must be available for collection before the new instrument can be delivered. Missing Instruments will continue to be charged until they are returned to Severn Arts. Schools will be issued with delivery and collection notes, and these should be retained by the school for reference and as proof of liability.

Delivery charges: There will be no charge for the delivery of school ordered instruments when this is requested for the start of term. New or replacement requests for delivery at any other time will be charged at £5.00 per delivery or delivery attempt.

In person collection: Instruments can be collected and dropped off by appointment at the Severn Arts workshop in Worcester during office hours (Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm, Friday 9am - 4.30pm). There is no charge for in person collection/drop off.

Summary of required notice periods for tuition changes
Type Notice period Cancellation method requested

One off lesson cancellation (e.g., TED/INSET days, school trips, exams, pupil absence etc.)

  10 clear working days Email to Severn Arts office – [email protected]

Partial reduction in scheduled provision up to 50% of total Severn Arts delivered services.

   6 full calendar weeks

Change to tuition form

Full cancellation and/or reduction of scheduled provision in excess of 50% of total Severn Arts delivered services.

   12 full calendar weeks Change to tuition form