What we offer Music in school Worcestershire Music Education Hub Severn Arts is the lead for Worcestershire’s Music Education Hub (WMEH), providing music tuition and music education in formal education settings, offering music opportunities for all children and young people in the county. Our work supports schools and teachers to work to the objectives outlined in the National Plan for Music Education and the principles outlined in the Durham Commission’s report on Creativity in Education. Worcestershire Music Education Hub is funded by the Department for Education, administered by Arts Council England. WMEH vision To strive to be an excellent Hub that has children and young people’s needs at the centre; embeds quality throughout from the best teachers to the best music programmes and has the most effective and long-lasting impact on the audiences we serve. WMEH mission To ensure every child and young person has access to the highest quality, relevant and innovative music education experience. WMEH strategic aims Increase take-up of music education in all education settings. Provide an inclusive, diverse and accessible music education offer for all children and young people. Champion innovation and digital growth. Improve performance opportunities for all. WMEH’s SMART objectives for the year are derived from the needs analysis findings of our current audience, our feedback from schools, parents and young people and as a result of our identification of non-engagement in key areas and in response to the refreshed National Plan for Music Education. WMEH Steering Group The purpose of the steering group is to guide, challenge and support the the Hub to ensure accountability for the provision of high-quality music education for children and young people in line the vision and mission of the WMEH. Worcestershire Music Education Hub Steering Group is chaired by Julie Sutton. Julie is a Senior Lecturer in Education and the Primary Lead for School Based provision at the University of Worcester where she teaches music to both postgraduate and undergraduate trainees. Prior to joining the University, Julie worked in several different schools across Worcestershire as a Primary school teacher and music leader. Between 2009 and 2011, Julie was a Vocal Force facilitator for Worcestershire, supporting schools to develop a singing strategy. Worcestershire Music Education Hub Partners Download Severn Arts Needs Analysis July 2023 Download School Music Development Plan Download WMEH Steering Group Terms of Reference Manage Cookie Preferences