What we offer Young Sounds: Speak to a connector Thanks to Young Sounds UK funding, Severn Arts is now able to offer more support for families and young people (up to 18 years) looking for musical opportunities and information in our area, via a new Connector role. Worcestershire's Connector is called Rachel Davies, Rachel is here to take away the hit and miss nature of finding information, advice, and guidance for young musicians. She has extensive knowledge of our local musical landscape and the national picture too, and she’s here to connect young musicians with opportunities, from music groups to funding. Too often, parents and young musicians find it difficult to access the information, advice, and guidance they need. Sometimes, they only find out what’s available by accident, while others don’t find out at all, sadly missing the support they need for their musical development. If you’re unsure about where to go next or need some information or advice, get in touch using the link below and Rachel will get back to you as soon as she can. Get in touch You can meet Rachel in the short video below. Find Connectors outside Worcestershire via Young Sounds UK website. Read more about Young Sounds: Connect and Severn Arts Do you have a musical opportunity you would like to share?Fill out our form below. Musical Opportunities Submission Manage Cookie Preferences