Teacher and pupil shaking hands on Inspiring Futures project
Severn Arts work in partnership with Warwickshire and West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company (Probation), to provide an arts programme for those on a Court Order who may be at risk of re-offending. The programme includes arts activities such as ceramics, film-making, spoken word and creative writing.

Funding from West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner has enabled us to deliver this programme to over 200 adults since 2016. The programme has reduced re-offending by increasing self-esteem, raising aspirations, providing creative outlets for self-expression and connecting people to education, training and employment opportunities. 

Creative writing has given me a self-confidence boost.  This year has been crime free whereas before I was being arrested almost on a weekly basis.  Being creative is curative therapy, and it should go on.

Creative writing participant

I have been proud to fund ‘Inspiring Futures Through the Arts’. It is a fantastic programme that gives those at risk of offending an interesting and creative focus, steering them away from crime. It’s been great to hear the positive stories from those that have benefited, and I look forward to continuing supporting the programme and seeing what else can be achieved.

John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

During the programme, we have produced a number of films which demonstrate the impact of our work. We have been delighted to work with a range of talented artists and arts organisations during this project, including Kay Mullett, Nicola Prestage, Holly Daffurn, Spoz, Kiz Bangerh, Jay Crutchley, Vamos Theatre, Jestaminute Community Theatre CIC, Sharper Arts, Ruth Hopkins, Andrew Sterry, Ruby Soho, Laura McFall and Miraculous Magic.  The project is managed for Severn Arts by Debbie Birch and Steve Wilson. 

Find out more about the impact of our work.